Wednesday, January 15, 2020

                                                                                       History of faisal Masjid                                                                                                                                                                Faisal Mosque or Masjid is located in Islamabad and said to be one of the biggest mosques in world. It’s the most famous mosque of Islamic world and has gained tremendous popularity over the years worldwide as well. The mosque is highly renowned for its entrancing architecture and huge size covering total area of five thousand square meters with the potential of accommodating 300,000 worshippers. The decision for constructing this mosque was inherited in 1966 during President Ayub Khan’s regime. Later, King Faisal bin Abdul from Saudi Arabia advised the construction of while he paid a visit to Islamabad. Around 1969, there was an international competition which took place and several talented architects from 17 different countries submitted forty-three proposals. Deliberation took place for four days and ultimately, Vedat Dalokay’s (a Turkish architect) design was strongly liked by all.
Construction of the Celestial Faisal Masjid
The creation of the mosque got started by the National Construction of Pakistan in 1976. The National Construction was headed by Azim Borejurdi and got funds from the Saudi government at a rate of more than 130 million riyals which on conversion from today’s rate make 120 million dollars. King Faisal was instrumental specially in funding. The mosque along with the road connected to it was named after gratuitously after him. This mainly happened after King Faisal was assassinated in year 1975. Faisal Mosque reached its final stage and got completed in the year 1986 and housed the ISU (international Islamic University). Interestingly, General Zia ul Haq’s mausoleum was a largely catchy site in Pakistan’s history is situated adjacent to this precious mosque. The nonsensical nature of Zia’s burial resides in the fact which tells that Zia ul Haq’s lower jaw was buried there. The site among the Pakistani locals is known as the “Jabra Chowk” or say “Jaw Zone.”

Mind Capturing Design of Faisal Masjid
Faisal Mosque is remarkably designed by Vedat Dalokay who had earned the Aga Khan Award in his field of architecture particularly for this project. The tasteful architecture of the mosque is unique and modern in its own abstract lacking the traditional arches as well domes of other mosques existing in the world. The design of the mosque is unusual stating the history of Asian Islamic art. The merging contemporary line accompanied with a great touch of traditional look of Arab’s tent, its four minarets and huge triangular worship hall states the above statement. The absence of the dome differentiates it with other typical and traditional mosque design. The minarets have borrowed their designs from the Turkish tradition which are pencil like and thin in appearance. Peculiarly, Faisal Mosque’s shape is like an eight sided shell reflecting the exact depiction of Bedouin’s tent and cubic shaped Kaaba located in Mecca. It’s flanked by four strange yet interesting looking minarets richly inspired by the Turkish architecture.  Â

Architect’s Golden Thoughts Behind the Marvel
The Faisal Mosque’s architect explained his pure and true thinking on the design to some school students. He impressively illustrated that he tried his utmost to capture the proportion, geometry and spirit of Kaaba in a divine manner. Faisal Mosque according to him is of the same kind to Kaaba. He asked the students to imagine apex of every minaret as scaled blast of four largest Kaaba corners– thus unseen form of Kaaba has been bounded by minarets at four corners in height to base proportion. He further made them fancied that if one joins its apex of minaret to base of minaret obliquely opposite to it, a pyramid which is four-sided is bounded by the lies at base side with that imperceptible cube. The lowered pyramid serves as the solid body whereas four minarets along with the apex completes imaginary cube that shapes the Kaaba.

The Refined Existence of Mosque
Entrance of Kaaba is from east. It’s from the hall of prayer fronted by courtyard. International Islamic University has been housed under that major courtyard but relocated to new campus. This majestic Mosque still holds a lecture hall, café, museum and library. The tent shaped graceful hall’s interior is covered with white marble, decorated in mosaics and the calligraphy was done by Sadequain (popular Pakistani artist) and an outstanding Turkish styled chandelier. The charming mosaic patterns embellish the walls on the west and has Kalimah written beautifully in Kufic script and enchantingly repeated in the mirror image. Nekka Phullai is mainly held adjacent to Faisal Mosque in the Margalla Hills.

Capacity of Earthly Masjid
As discussed earlier, Faisal Mosque covers the region of five thousand meters square. It conveniently accommodates ten thousand worshippers in the most prominent prayer hall. Furthermore, it can adjust 24000 worshipers in porticoes, 200, 000 in adjoining grounds and 40, 000 in the courtyard. Although, its covered prayer hall stays smaller than the Hassan II Mosque located in Casablanca which is the world’s largest mosque in the world. Strikingly, Faisal Mosque owns the 3rd largest capacity for adjusting worshipper in the adjoining grounds right after Al Masjid al Nabawai (the Prophet’s Mosque) in Madina and Masjid al Haram (the grand Mosque) in Mecca. Four large minarets of Mosque’s are 260 in feet (highest in the entire South Asia) and the circumference measured is 10 * 10 meter.

Undying Beauty of This Masterpiece
The powerfully elegant Faisal Mosque is situated in Shaharah-e-Islamabad which one another end of Lahore’s capital and it’s in front of the glorious backdrop presented by Margalla Hills. It is highly popular and recognized worldwide as the city’s icon. The grace and beauty of this marvel stands beyond one’s comprehension but the maximum a viewer can do is praise the creator who has accomplished something which is incredibly brilliant. Its sparkling architecture and style is strongly adored and the glory it holds can never fade away. The insightful idea of its creator is worth being appreciated with every eye-catching the Mosque’s site and capturing it with

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